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Sam Holister, Scott Braun, Joey Stoley, Chris & Liam – Corbin Fisher & Sean Cody Part 1

, Channel
It’s the ultimate team-up as the hotties of Corbin Fisher come to visit Sean Cody for fun and games. Brysen declares himself team leader for Sean Cody, while the guys of Corbin Fisher nominate Liam. Then it’s time to pick teams, and with a little good-natured trash talking they get the party started. Liam’s team, made up of Corbin Fisher’s Chris and Sean Cody’s own Sam, Scott and Joey, is up first, and the guys are raring to go! They get naked in the living room and soon Joey is sucking Liam while Chris is getting rimmed by Scott as he swallows Sam’s cock. The oral extravaganza continues as Sam and Joey both service Liam while Scott can’t get enough of Chris’s hole. Sam is the first to take things further as he fucks Chris on the table, and Liam isn’t far behind, sliding his cock into Joey’s hole. The orgy heats up, and Scott ends up in the middle of a train getting pounded by Sam while Liam drills Joey. Joey gets to his knees to take four facials in a row, then the others cheer him on as he jacks off. Will the other team be able to beat this?
