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Sean Craves Kyler

You have to wonder what’s going on in a guy like Sean’s head, when he’s exploring and experimenting with fucking other guys. He feels how tight that ass he’s fucking is – the sensation of Kyler’s hole wrapped around his cock, gripping it as he plunges his thick dick in deep. He hears Kyler’s wails and moans, it being entirely undeniable it all feels absolutely incredible for Kyler and having a dick drilling your hole must be an intense experience. When he reaches around to stroke Kyler’s cock while fucking him, he feels how hard and stiff Kyler’s dick is – yet another sign Kyler’s clearly loving all of it. Finally, Sean sees the load Kyler blasts off while he’s balls deep inside him – surely blown away by how much cum Kyler fires off, and how much Kyler enjoyed it all. The extent to which Kyler obviously loved having Sean’s dick in him helped Sean totally relax and embrace how amazing the experience felt for him too, and fully enjoy the kind of pleasure only two guys can give one another!


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