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Sebastian Long & Zeno Rey

I paired him with Sebastian. We thought he would try bottoming, but we had flight delays and a long exhausting day of waiting, so we just went with Zeno bottoming the entire video. It was great decision, though I am eager to see Zeno topping as well. They start by making-out, and then Zeno worked his way down to suck on Sebastian’s cock. Sebastian then begins to suck Zeno, who laid back to get a nice blow job. They then moved into a 69-suck position, while Sebastian fingered his hole. He then slid out and rimmed Zeno with deep tongue action. Zeno gets his ass fucked doggie-style, and then he rids Sebastian’s cock. Like many guys, Zeno finds it easiest to cum on his back. Sebastian pounds his hole as he milks out a tasty load. Sebastian then breeds his hole, followed by a nice long kiss.


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