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Secure Buddies – Quentin Gainz & Justin Matthews

Only a few weeks into his new job as a security guard of the building, Quentin Gainz has already seen his fair share of weird stuff, but by far, the most interesting thing he’s seen is just how many good looking guys seem to be coming in and out of his buddy Justin Matthews’ place. Quentin wonders what it would be like to be one of Justin’s lovers, so he confronts Justin as a friend. Justin tells him he’s not technically out of the closet just yet, and that he never made a move on Quentin because Quentin isn’t gay. Quentin balks at the conclusion and tells Justin he could be curious with the right partner. He smiles at Justin and Justin smiles back. Seems that both guys have a secret they’ve been sitting on, and now that it’s all out in the open, their passion for each other can finally be unleashed.


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