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Servicing young ex-marine Beefcake Andrew

Servicing young ex-marine Beefcake Andrew was a feast for my hungry mouth. I couldn’t have enough of his sexy body and those gloriously thick, hairy legs! What a way to start the New Year! ߙ Beefcake Andrew has been a marine for four years and works at construction sites. He is tall, handsome, and polite. However, Andrew seemed a little nervous about this BCH experience despite his courteous nature, so I tried to make him relax and enjoy the moment. Chatting with him, I learned that he was packing a four-day load and that the last time he received a BJ was about three months ago. Can you believe that, Hunters? What a cold world! But that was about to become history because, in the next few minutes, I was Servicing young ex-marine Andrew! I started by rubbing his package under those jeans; once I felt that cock getting “happy,” I continued to undress him by pulling his pants off to discover those sexy legs that I couldn’t hold myself to kiss; yummy! Then I began to play with his semi-hard cock in his underwear until I finally put my lips on his balls. We love moaners here at BeefCakeHunter Land, and Beefcake Andrew is one of them; as soon I placed my lips on his balls, he started to moan softly, a soft moaning that you can hear throughout the whole encounter. There were a few good deepthroats, but at some point, I got the urge to get to his side and go even more profound on his delicious thick cock; at that moment, the Feet Lover Hunters will be very happy to see Andrew’s sexy feet. Back on my knees, there were more legs kissing and chest rubbing; I ventured a lot with this young, sexy ex-marine! While closing most of the time his eyes from pleasure, Andrew was polite enough to observe me enjoying his cock now and then. Using both my hand and mouth, I got him closer and closer to the climax, and when he finally exploded, I swallowed some of that hot jizz. I think he did cum well, and something tells me that he will be coming back. I hope you enjoy this Servicing Young ex-marine video, and Happy New Year 2025!
