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Sex Date: Max Hilton & Patryk Jankowski

There is always that air of excitement when going on a date, even a sex date and there is also that air of nervousness, did he send current pictures or has he aged and gained too much weight, but today Max Hilton and Patryk Jankowski have hit the jackpot. As Max and Patryk meet up the exuberance on their faces tell the entire story, they are thrilled that who they saw online is the same person they are meeting now. Patryk shows Max back to his flat and the two can’t wait to get their hands on each other. The passionate, bearded kissing begins as the clothes start to drop to the wayside. Patryk’s cock is the first to spring forward, nicely packaged in his black cockring. Max follows suit and Patryk gets to his knees and begins sucking on Max’s magnificent cock. Patryk has become and amazing cock sucker and Max is the beneficiary of all those deep throat talents. It is as if Patryk is unable to feed his needs as he goes deeper and deeper with Max’s cock buried in his throat. Max flips Patryk around and begins lapping at his furry, muscular ass. With an estimated abundance of saliva, Max stands up and shoves his dry cock into Patryk’s ass. It’s a slow insertion at first, but Max manages to get it in and get his rhythm going. After some rough fucking, Patryk is able to relax and get into the rhythm himself. Max senses the relaxing in Patryk’s ass muscles so he takes a seat and lets Patryk ride him from above. Patryk rides his ass up and down Max’s throbbing cock shaft as both men find their groove. Max swaps it up again and this time Patryk finds himself on his back, legs spread wide open and Max’s cock coming in hard and deep. This seems to the be the perfect position for both men as the curve of Max’s straining cock massages Patryk’s ass perfectly, so much so that he grabs his cock and begins stroking out his thick, creamy load of cum. Max quickly whips his cock out as his hot load of lava flows from his cock head all over Patryk’s hairy balls. Make it a hot sex date tonight, just make sure the photos are the current version of you.


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