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Sexy smile Gerard big load

I worked hard to get Sexy smile Gerard big load out of his delicious cock! Yeah, this young straight construction worker was quite honest at the beginning of our chat; stating that he is much into eating pussy than receiving a blow job, so I knew the challenge ahead of me. Beefcake Gerard is very easy going and fun to spend time with, he didn’t hesitate in showing me his tongue when talking about his oral skills with women. But, under all the smiles and chat I knew he was kind of anxious about receiving a blow job from a guy but at the same time he was very willing to perform and try. So, he did commit a capital sin here at BeefCakeHunter Land: get too into the pussy porn playing. Well, if that is what it took to get him as much closer into the BCH zone, so let it be. But nothing can change the fact that he is a very sexy young black man with nice legs and tasty balls. I did not miss the chance to enjoy them now and then. I got especially excited when at moments he moved his hips while I was sucking him, I just I wish he was looking at me at the same time that he was doing that, maybe in the next encounter with Sexy smile Gerard big load. When getting close to the end, he asked me to wet more his cock and jerk him off. Then I got some noise from him, the orgasm was intense, and he delivered as he promised a nice big load that I had to taste it! I hope you guys enjoy this video Sexy smile Gerard big load, and since he is coming back, there will be more time for some BCH training .


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