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Silas Brooks & Brett Daniels

Our popular series, #Helix is back, with sexy Silas Brooks, and beautiful Brett Daniels answering your questions, AND acting out your requests from Twitter! You guys always give good stuf, and this randy round is no exception. The boys answer inquiries about their first times, share “interesting” guilty pleasures, and discuss who’s more dom. Brett even surprises us with his musical talents, and plays the guitar! The intimate, fun conversation naturally leads the boys to the bedroom. The torrid twinks tear at their clothes as they kiss, anxious to get at one another’s cocks! Brett undoes his dude’s drawers, then downs Brooks’ beefy bone like a beast. Hungry for Daniels’ D, Silas then slobs the sexy slut’s schlong, before turning the twink over, and tongue punching his pretty pink pucker. Silas shakes his handsome head back-and-forth in the boy’s beautiful booty, then gives him a crack on the can, before ordering him to “get on it!” Brett does as he’s told, and saddles up, squatting right down on Brooks’ raging hard rod. After bouncing’ like a birthday boy, he gets dicked from behind, while bracing himself against the back of the couch, helpless against Brooks’ unrelenting hard-hammering hole hits. Keeping the twink under his control, Silas orders the smooth dude onto his back, where he tears into that tight twink tunnel with tantric tenacity. The thick dick thrusts pay off in a big, sticky way, as Brett busts, blowing all over his tight torso, and past his perfect pink nips. Brooks puts the peen pedal to the metal, and pumps out a load that nails his naughty boy nearly to his neck! The cum covered twosome kiss, as the camera pans down, giving us a glorious view of the gooey good explosion. #Helix does it again!


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