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Sir Peter Tops Rico Marlon Bareback – Butch And Bottoming

Rico Marlon has ranked as a top (literally) man among the Lucas Men for years now, and it’s not a stretch of the imagination to wonder why exactly that is. He’s handsome, his body is always in impeccable shape, and his huge uncut cock is fat and ready to stretch open a bottom bitch hole at all times. But every once and awhile, Rico sometimes gets an itch to indulge his submissiveness and see what it feels like to get his ass pounded like a boy pussy. When Sir Peter was told that Rico Marlon wanted to film a Lucas Entertainment scene as a bitch bottom, he insisted that he get a crack at the Latino’s behind. Sir Peter does not disappoint. While they both start off sensually kissing, Rico quickly takes his bottoming role seriously and sucks on Sir Peter’s manhood before opening his butt cheeks wide and getting slammed in his ass.


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