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Special Delivery – Adam Reid & Easton Gray

Absolutely edible, newbie, Easton Gray stops by a coffee shop every morning, only to adorable Adam Reid. The pretty pair have been flirting forever; but, they haven’t sealed the deal. Then, one day Gray goes to get his morning Joe; but, unfortunately Adam is no longer a beautiful barista. Easton hasn’t been able to stop Reid from running through his mind, for a month. Then, one day, is a cock stiffening- cosmic act of serendipity, Easton’s obsession shows up at his door to deliver food. Realizing this rare, erotic opportunity, Easton invites the boy in. Adam jumps at the chance, then jumps into Easton’s arms, igniting a fuck fest, several months in the making! Forgoing the food, the boys opt to devour one another’s delicious dicks, before Gray makes an incredible desert out of Adam’s ass. This has the cutie begging for a banging; and, after months of pent up sexual tension, Adam absolutely annihilates that tight, smooth, twink ass! After several salacious, seat-smashing positions, peppered with porn perfect dirty talk, Reid grabs his extra thick rod, and releases months worth of beautiful, boy bust. Next, Gray’s uncut cock goes off like a geyser; as, Reid pleads for his raw release to revel in. The raven haired hottie explodes, nailing Adam right in that pretty face with the first blast! The rest of his spunk splatters all over the twink’s shredded torso; and, Adam absolutely loves every sticky, sloppy second of it. This is a trophy twink lover’s dream of a scene!


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