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Splashed – Dani Robles & Jacob Lord

It’s a scorching hot day, and houseboy Jacob Lord is cooling off outback after working outdoors all day. When he arrives home, Dani Robles hears the water hose running and goes to investigate. There, he finds a naked, wet, and aroused Jacob. As Dani takes in the scene, he has only one thing on his mind – he wants to get fucked wet and get fucked he will be! Jacob begins by drenching Dani with the hose and having his already stiff cock gobbled. Mr. Robles looks stunning with his wet shirt and necktie clinging to his torso. Next, houseboy Lord throws the horny businessman against the wall, lowers his pants, and rims the hungry wet hole. Dani is ready to be fucked by a real man, and Jacob does not disappoint! Jacob fucks the cum out of the executive, who’s now in his wet pink dress shirt, necktie, and burgundy sheer socks.
