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Steaming The Straight Jock – Malik Delgaty & Chris Cool

Muscular jock Malik Delgaty and his girlfriend think they got lucky and have the sauna to themselves, but they’re quickly joined by Chris Cool. When Chris catches Malik staring after he drops his towel, he’s the one who’s about to get lucky. Malik makes eye contact with Chris and sneakily strokes his dick, and Chris sneaks over and sucks the top right under his gf’s nose! When Malik’s girlfriend opens her eyes and catches them, she storms out, bringing over an employee to complain, but the spa attendant is so turned on he keeps watching Malik fuck Chris’s mouth through the window! Malik pounds the bottom in doggystyle, then Chris rides the top’s dick. The lucky bottom cums as Malik rams his ass, then gets it filled up with a creampie!


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