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Str8 Chaser: Ian Levine & Bama Romello

We’ve gone just about everywhere in our quest to pick up straight guys and make them do naughty things, but today my favorite nympho Jasmine has a new idea for where to find horny dudes: the Jack Shack… sorry, I mean, “massage parlor.” Jasmine spots tall ebony Bama coming out and entices him into the Str8 Chaser van with a promise of a way happier ending than anything they could provide inside, as long as he’s willing to follow her kinky instructions, starting with putting on a blindfold. Bama isn’t too sure about that, but he loves the blowjob that Ian provides, at least until the blindfold comes off! Jasmine doesn’t give up, persuading this guy to let Ian wrap his lips around his big black cock again and even to suck Ian’s dick too. This bossy babe even gets Bama to fuck Ian in doggystyle and piledriver before both guys jack off till they cum. Another straight guy caught and released!


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