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Stressless Christmas – Lance Ford, Dalton Riley & Roman Eros

It’s the holiday season but Lance Ford is feeling anything but festive as the work piles up and all his family responsibilities add on. Partner Dalton Riley senses Lance is at his breaking point, so he schedules a little rendezvous with Dalton’s first crush, Roman Eros. Lance is surprised to see Roman, to say the least, and he’s perplexed why Dalton would bring him over, but when he tells him the threesome is his gift, suddenly Lance’s confusion turns to excitement for the first time this Christmas. And he wastes no time unwrapping his present, as the three of them exchange holiday cheer and enough good tidings to go around. Lance fulfills himself, Lance fucks Roman while Dalton slides in behind, slipping his cock inside Lance, who is the lucky man in the Christmas middle. After fucking their fill, Roman kneels between them as they take turns giving him his own special white Christmas, dousing his face in holiday cheer, as Lance exhales and tells Dalton this was one of the best gifts ever.


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