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Study Partner – Dante Martin & Zion Nicholas

It’s fairly evident that Zion Nicholas is going to be of no use as a study partner, at least as far as the actual material is concerned. But Dante Martin considers the possibility that maybe Zion would be a good partner for something else, so as Zion sleeps on the sofa, Dante inspects his goods. Zion catches him and there is an awkward moment where Dante apologizes, but Zion tells him it’s about time he made a move. It turns out, Zion didn’t come here to study at all, and now that Dante knows the deal, he finds the once sleepy Zion is suddenly wide eyed and willing to give Dante his ‘full attention’. It also happens that Zion is a way better fuck than he is a student, as he fills Dante up with his thick cock before blasting his load all over him. Dante loses his own nut as the two of them fall back onto the bed, agreeing that from now on they’ll skip the pretense and get straight to the nitty gritty.
