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Stuffed by Chorizo Regio

Stuffed by Chorizo Regio was terrific! he is a horny dude who believes that a hole is a hole, authentic Mexican “chacal,” as they call straight dudes like him. Based on his first appearance in BeefCakeHunter Land, I expected his natural intensity from the beginning. Still, it looked like he was a little anxious that, this time, he would have to step further into the BCH arena, so the encounter started a little quiet. The quietness didn’t last long; after slowly licking his balls and cock I went to his cock head, and in a matter of a minute or two, Beefcake Ignacio was ready to go! The moaning and fast breathing came a few minutes later, and then I could say we were in full Ignacio mode! The cock servicing was long and intense, but it was time to be Stuffed by Chorizo Regio, so I put Ignacio in position. While putting him on the condom, I took the opportunity to enjoy his sexy nipples…mmm. Once on my fours, he started a little rough, a clear sign of anxiousness, but then he transferred all that energy to express himself with words instead. Of course, he was trying not to cum too soon, but once he regained the confidence, he started enjoying himself, fucking me deeper and speaking in Mexican slang that I could not understand but sounded hot. Then suddenly, he said that he felt that he was cumming. I didn’t believe that was the end, but then I started feeling his warm, abundant seed all over my butt. For some reason, Hunters, I thought it was too soon, but now I recognize that was good footage for the first anal scene with Beefcake Ignacio. I don’t know! Maybe it was too good, lol. I hope you guys enjoy this video, Stuffed by Chorizo Regio, more of My Border Adventures is on the way!


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