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Sucking Javier thick and pearled cock

t took me a while to finally be Sucking Javier thick and pearled cock. This sexy fit Latino took his time to accept my offer, but I insisted because I was sure of what was in store for me under those pants. Beefcake Javier is a sexy single construction worker that is looking to move to a better place, so he remembered my offer and decided to enter into BeefCakeHunter Land territory to get a hand and mouth for his plans, and as he mentioned in this scene, his big thick cock can be pretty useful! Once he was at the BCH arena, he came across as a very cool and talkative Beefcake, so I dig a little bit more into his persona. He is very proud of his heart-shaped pearl on his cock, and even though it is not my first guy with a pearl, he is the first Beefcake with one. I know I should have shown a little bit more of it in this scene, so my apologies to you Hunters, but it is visible a few times from the left angle, sorry, I was so into the moment that I forgot that, well… it is the perfect excuse for trying to get him back, right? While I was Sucking Javier thick and pearled cock, I noticed that he was very expressive, but at some points I thought I may be hurting him or something, or that he may be too sensitive, but it was all good. He told me he was enjoying it for real. Anyway, I asked him just to make sure lol It was a delicious experience sucking that nice dick and I was able to get a thick load as well, even though he only had a day and a half loaf for us. I hope you guys enjoy this video of Sucking Javier thick and pearled cock, and by the way, he promised me that if he comes back, he won’t shave anything because he is a hairy guy.


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