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Teaching Boy A Lesson – Dave London & Ollie Barn

I don’t know what made my stepson, Ollie, think he could sneak into the house after telling him to be home for dinner, but that’s what he tried doing. It’s only fair that I spank his butt. It happens so often that I started to think that Ollie wasn’t a bad kid, just a horny one. I pulled his undies down to see if my assumptions were correct. His smooth butt and fuzzy ass crack told me everything I needed to know. I let my dick out of my pants, and Ollie went right for it. I don’t know where he learned to suck dick, but I owe them a meal. Soon, we were both naked on the bed, and Ollie’s cock was in my mouth, then his ass. His butt tasted so good that I knew my dick would feel amazing. My boy didn’t disappoint daddy. He took my dick until I fucked the juice out of him and then mixed it with mine.


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