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The Appraisal – Ace Banner, Dillon Stone, Dylan Tides & Tyler Saint

I’m not a virgin by any means, but I’m not a slut, either. When I learned about The Collective and the chance to be auctioned off, I was intrigued, but I had never done anything like that before. I went on the apps, found a leather master, and set up a date just to see what it was all about. He knew I was inexperienced and agreed to take it easy on me. Playing with him was definitely not bad. Kind of fun, actually. When I got to my first session with The Collective, Master Saint was actually easier on me than the Master I met online, although he told me that my life in The Collective would be much different than that. He explained, since I had family, I would need to basically disappear, but that they had ways to help make that possible without raising too much suspicion. They can’t have kidnapping investigations after all, although, I had the impression even that could be dealt with…
