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The Archer Croft Experience – Calvin Collins & Archer Croft

Meeting Archer Croft was an amazing experience. Long hair, lot’s of tattoos and a pierced cock he is such a hottie. He admits that he had been looking forward to fucking me and couldn’t wait to get his hands on my ass. His tongue felt amazing as he licked my hole, getting it nice and wet for his cock. Before letting him pound me I suck his dick. Spitting all over it, careful not to choke on his PA piercing. I am finally ready to have it inside of my ass. I bend over and expose my hole to him and he begins to work his cock inside. Once he has my hole opened up he begins to fuck me doggy style and then flips me over on my back. I soon feel that I am going to cum and strokes my cock forcing me to moan out and shoot my load across my abs. Begins to lick it up eating all of my cum, and then fucks my ass until he starts to cum. He pulls out and shoots all over my hole. Eats his own cum out of my ass and then kisses me.


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