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The Barber – Matt Polaco & Oskar Ivan

Polish Hunk Matt Polaco visits skilled barber Oskar Ivan for a beard trimming to keep it shorter. When the sexy barber trims Matt and gives him a facial massage, he can’t help his cock from stiffening up! Watching Oskar use the thick shaving cream has Matt craving a different kind of cream, and he starts to slowly jerk his cock through his pants. When the barber signals he’s open to a barbershop play session, Matt pulls out his uncut dick through his pany fly and invites him to suck it. It’s only right that Matt returns the favor, and while sucking on Oskar’s dick, he wraps his tie around the Colombian cock. With both stud’s cocks hard and ready, the sexy barber fucks his client against and on the chair until Matt cums while being penetrated. After confirmation that he’s provided great service, the barber shoots his load on the satisfied Matt. Are You Ready to Experience the Art of Grooming?


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