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The Boys Cum Big For Chi Chi! – Jake Hunter & Koby Lewis

Of course, while legendary Chi Chi LaRue is in town we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to enjoy some of that awesome direction! Jake and Koby were a little in awe, having such a famous celebrity leading the show, but you know it could only lead to one of the hottest pairings we’ve seen in a while. With a little scene setting lucky Koby is soon gobbling on the truly awesome banana dick of hung young Jake, but this big-dicked boy can’t wait to show off his own sucking skills. You could have guessed Koby would want that big twink cock in in his raw hole, and with some delicious slurps his pucker is ready to take it every which way. We’re not sure what it is, but something about having Chi Chi in the room seems to make cum shots extra impressive!


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