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The Butt Burglar – JJ Knight & Mateo Fernandez

Mateo Fernandez is a cat burglar who knows that art belongs in the hands of the people, not stashed away in some stuffy museum, especially when that art is a bejeweled butt plug. The tall and lithe Mateo sneaks into a museum after hours to liberate the priceless artifact. Just when he thinks he’s gotten away, the brawny security guard JJ Knight catches Mateo and brings him in for a full body search. JJ probes Mateo’s tight hole, sliding the butt plug in and out while Mateo begs for more, spitting on his eager hole before he lets the athletic stud fuck him right there on the security desk. JJ pounds Mateo’s ass all over the gallery before blowing a huge load all over the butt burglar’s hungry hole.


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