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The Caddy And The Daddy Part 3 – Kaleb Stryker, Dale Savage, Zander Lane, Scottie McWilliams & Dirk Caber

Working as a caddy has made Zander Lane realize just how much there is to learn about golf… and he hasn’t learned any of it, since he’s been too busy chasing daddies instead! For his and fellow caddy Kaleb Stryker’s last day at the country club, they plan a foursome, hoping their sexy silver foxes will putt in their butts. The daddies undress their caddies and 69 before country club owner Dale Savage fucks Kaleb while avid golfer Dirk Caber fucks Zander doggystyle, then Dirk gets one caddy sitting on his dick and the other sitting on his face as Zander sucks Dale’s dick. Dirk wants some of that daddy dick too, so Dale fucks him in missionary as Kaleb penetrates Zander. Once Dirk cums, both hot twinks jack their cocks till they cover Dale with their loads and Dirk fingers Dale’s ass till he cums!


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