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The Cousin’s Visit – Thiago Gaucho & Lucas Albuquerque

Thiago always had the dream of visiting São Paulo, and his kind cousin Lucas helped him make it happen. Lucas invited Thiago to spend a few days at his house in the capital of São Paulo, where he lives with his wife, and even seted a room just for his beloved cousin. While Thiago was changing, Lucas couldn’t help but notice his cousin’s big ass, and letting his lust take over, he took some photos of his cousin changing his clothes and went to his room to jerk off. Thiago, needing help finding his way around his cousin’s house, went to Lucas’s room and caught his cousin beating his meat, with his dick rock hard, and decided to repay his cousin’s hospitality with a really hot fuck. Thiago sucked Lucas’s big dick, while his cousin fucked his mouth without mercy, making the bitch choke and drool on the dick. With his cock already drooling, Lucas rimmed his cousin’s smooth ass, until he begged for cock. Lucas put the big guy doggy style and fucked his ass hard. The pounding was so good that Thiago was all excited, always asking his cousin to fuck him harder until he came with Lucas’s cock stuck in his ass. To finish, of course, a cum bath on the face couldn’t be missed.


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