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The Dark Room – Vincent O’Reilly, Myhyem M Jordyn, Ty Santana & Kyle Michaels

Ty and Kyle enter into a dark room. In it, they find Myhem and Vincent, two horny and eager studs, waiting for their new friends to have their way with them. In pairs, the guys begin to make out passionately, as a subtle foreplay for some serious dick-sucking. The rooms get steamier as the hot men take a turn for the raunchy. Their holes become the subject of some serious fingering to ensure they are nice and open to be fucked. The horny quartet also finds time to put their dicks together to jerk them off while sharing a little more kissing. Yet, inevitably, the pig bottom instinct will reveal itself and the kinkiest ones won’t be able to resist the temptation of dropping on their knees to eat some more cock. This wakes the darkest side of the dominant tops, the perfect excuse to drill their buddies’ assholes until they feel the urge to shower each other with sweet cum.


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