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The Dick Train – Jared, Kyler & Zander

Three hot and horny guys, three hard dicks, and some time to spare? Let’s get ’em fuckin’! The only thing that needed working out with this episode was who was going to get fucked the most, as each of these guys are always down to top or bottom and each of these guys loves it regardless of whether they’re on the giving or receiving end. It ends up being Jared who spends the most time getting fucked, and he was one happy camper as a result. Kyler’s and Zander’s cocks were pushing all the right buttons, and Jared was having himself a blast getting drilled by each. At a certain point, though, Zander was starting to feel jealous of the attention Jared’s hole was getting so gave his own hole up to Kyler, which left Zander in the best spot of all – balls-deep in Jared’s ass, with Kyler balls-deep in his! That Zander sandwich is what did the trick for all of them, and what got each of these three to blast out massive loads.


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