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The Gifted Boy on the Bust Stop – Luan & Fabiano

The streets at night are dangerous, but sometimes it can be an escape to relieve the lust. There are always guys at night wanting to unload the lust, and by chance there can be moments of great pleasure. Fabiano kept winding down the street and ended up being late to get to the bus stop and Luan with some personal problems, went out into the street at night to reflect … In these different situations, Fabianoo and Luan meet at a bus stop and a conversation flows. Before Fabiano left, Luan did not miss the opportunity and offered to sit on the hot cock of this stranger. The bathroom at Luan’s house was the ideal place for those big, thick cock that Fabiano has. He punched hard and without stopping until he filled Luan’s ass with hot seed. I even remembered several adventures that I did at night .


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