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The Handsome Pickpocket – Johnny Viper & Vlad Stark

Johnny spends a hot summer day sightseeing. He is an avid photographer and loves taking pictures of Europe’s lovely parks and architecture. Yet, when the stud is trying to capture the moment with his camera, Vlad, a handsome pickpocket, tries to take his phone. What he doesn’t know is that Johnny is an athletic guy and can catch him easily. Now Vlad is busted and Johnny is threatening to call the police. Desperate, Vlad begs for mercy, willing to do anything he wants. This gives Johnny the horny idea of taking Vlad to his place to tear his asshole apart. Vlad lets Johnny eat his hole before stuffing it up, at the mercy of his frisky command. He is afraid of what might happen to him, but he can’t help but enjoy Johnny’s big cock pushing deep inside of him. Knowing the power he has on the perpetrator, Johnny fucks Vlad nice and hard to teach him to think twice before stealing from him.


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