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The Hard Yard – Gunner & Carter Woods

With a mountain of yard work waiting for him outside, Carter Woods asks roomie Gunner if he could be persuaded to pitch in and do it for him. Gunner isn’t too interested in getting all hot and sweaty messing with the lawn, but he tells Carter he might help out if the two of them can get hot and sweaty indoors. Carter is game- anything to delay going outside- and Gunner lays him back and works him out of his clothes. Soon the two of them are naked and trading blows to keep cool, until Gunner decides to crank up the heat, mounting Carter’s thick piece of meat and taking it for a ride. Carter fucks him all over the bed until Gunner shoots his load onto his stomach. Carter pulls out and blasts his hole, covering him with jizz. Exhausted, they both fall onto the bed, deciding the yard work can wait for another day.


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