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The Release – Jeff & John Baldwin
April 8, 2024
15 min
What do you really long for, with all of your heart?
Sexual healing refers to the long-lost art of holding another man – intimately, sexually, and affectionately – in our care while his body heals, transforms, and wakes up. Men who love men have done this since ancient times. Such acts of intimate sexual healing may nearly have been erased from history, but today, via this groundbreaking video, our history is coming alive again.
The video opens with a man sobbing, in full cathartic release, being held by a circle of loving, caring, and kind lovers. Jeff’s assignment in that morning’s workshop was to consider what he most wanted to invite into his life. His tears are tears of grief over having lived many years without what he really wanted, which is a loving, caring partner with whom he can share his life. The ensuing video is an actual ritual of activation by John, who consciously agreed to step in – even if just for an hour or so – to represent the lover and partner Jeff desires, and to reactivate the real vision of attracting that lover into his life.
Together, we’re about to witness – and learn – the long-lost art of Sacred Intimacy, which is the act of one man stepping up to serve another as an unconditional lover, supporter, ally, and companion for another, for an agreed-upon length of time. We’re also witnessing the remarkable scene of an entire community (tribe) of men supporting this powerful healing.
May this video inspire us to remember where we’ve been, who we are, and why we’re here as a tribe of men who love men.