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Tony Plows Chris

Tony and Chris have something in common in that they each arrived at CF as fresh-faced, young freshmen and immediately got all of us hooked on ʻem. When they each made their individual debuts, they won over fans instantly and left everyone eager to see them in action. Another thing they share is that when they did finally make their action debuts, they thoroughly impressed and blew us all away with how hot they are, how horny they are, and how much they each love fucking and getting fucked for all of us lucky viewers. Well, Tony and Chris are now teaming up to impress all of us even more with a hot, heavy, hardcore fuck session that will leave you just like these two young studs are by the end of this episode – out of breath, sweat-soaked, and drained of a huge load! Tonyʻs lithe physique is a work of art as his hips thrust that thick, uncut dick of his in and out of Chrisʻ hole. Chrisʻ face is a canvass of pure bliss and pleasure as Tony fucks him firmly, steadily, and deeply, Tonyʻs cock hitting all the right spots. You knew the results were going to be intense once we got these two paired up, and they deliver on that here. Get ready to watch a scorcher!


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