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Too Hot to Handle – Ashton Summers & Johnny Hands

When superstars Ashton Summers and Johnny Hands combined their porn super powers, the result is an absolutely explosive contender for best scene of the year! Johnny works Ashton overtime, servicing the Puerto Rican prince’s perfect piece and legendary ass with a porn perfect tongue punching and a hard hitting hammering that nearly over heats the screen! And, Ashton gives just as good as he got He chokes down the hot jock’s kevlar cock like it’s his last meal and savors every thick, veiny inch in his raunchy, refined porn palate. The bareback boys don’t hold ANYTHING back and go for BUST in this balls to the wall bang fest that finishes with the best, biggest, and LONGEST cum shots you’re likely to see all year! Johnny’s juicy jackhammer pushes every ounce of fuck from Summers’ sack to the surface, where the pure white gold goo splatters all over the Latin lust god’s gorgeous, golden brown body with a blast. And then…… Hands shuts it DOWN with the biggest bust bonanza of fuck firework we’ve seen! His raw, rocked up rod roars, splattering Ashton’s perfect face, then blasting past his head, and clear out of frame! This is one for the books boys!


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