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Top To Bottom – Drake Von & Joey Mills

Joey Mills is fed up with the burned out bulb in their apartment, so he and roommate Drake Von change it together. But when Drake drops the new bulb and bends down to get it, Joey sees his roomie’s tempting ass and gets hard! Luckily, his boner is a convenient handle when the ladder starts to tip and Drake has to grab Joey in a hurry… but once he gets his hands on his dick, he has to see it and suck it! The habitual top decides today’s the day to bottom for the first time, and Joey gets Drake’s hole nice and wet with his tongue and his fingers before easing inside. Drake can’t believe how deep Joey fucks him in spoon and doggystyle, breaking in that top ass till the first-time bottom shoots a massive load. After a job well done, Joey cums on Drake’s chest, and they sword-fight!


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