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Totally worshipping Persian dude Abdel

I love working with Abdel, because besides being sexy; he is very talkative and funny, he smiles and makes me smile a lot too. I learned he knows some Spanish, well, maybe just the keywords for any straight dudes’ conversation about chicks like “culo grande”, wow that sounded so cute on him! Maybe you don’t know that one of my weakness is when guys wear black socks, that inspired me to start Totally worshipping Persian dude Abdel. So, I started by kissing and licking his socks and then his feet, a popular request here at BeefCakeHunter Land, and like he said, you can tell as well, he has never been done any of that…. we started on the right track in this session Hunters! And that was just the beginning! Working his amazing big balls I made my way to his hard cock as a devoted cock sucker while he moaned and asked me several times if I was enjoying it, yeah… Beefcake Abdel is a verbal guy. Also, maybe I did not make justice to his cock’s right size, I said it is 7.5 but this time looks more like an 8 inches tool, I will let that to your opinion Hunters… Of course, in a totally worshipping session I couldn’t leave out some “salad tossing” for my vegetarian Hunters out there LOL, hopefully it was the right amount of dressing. I could work wonders with Abdel’s big hard cock but for being his first time I wanted to play safe doing just doggy style. Talking about safe, while I was changing myself, he did a little advertising for safe sex, so cute. Anyways, like I was saying, doggy style would do it for this session, he went from slow to fast but that thing inside felt amazing! I couldn’t help myself wanting more when I pushed his body against mine to get deeply penetrated, he was having fun with the whole thing! I got him to stand up for the final part and trying to get him up I got chocked up myself, so he took over and started jerking off, making sexy noises and hot faces, wow. I went all over his balls until he said he was ready to cum, then I opened my mouth and he gave me a cum shower all over my face, just the way he wanted! I hope you guys enjoy this Totally worshipping Persian dude Abdel, and I really hope he is back at BCH for more!


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