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Tristan Hunter & Vincent O’Reilly – All The Feels

Tristan Hunter and Vincent O’Reilly are relaxing shirtless on the couch, when Vincent makes his move and climbs on top of Tristan. As things heat up, Tristan slips down his SUKREW briefs to let Vincent wrap his lips around his hard cock. After getting his cock swallowed, Tristan bends Vincent over and wets Vincent’s crack with his tongue. Eager for cock, Vincent begs for Tristan to slide his raw meat inside of him. Once inside, Tristan starts slow and quickly works up to a rough and pounding pace. Switching up positions a number of times, Vincent takes every inch bareback before ending up on his back getting plowed. A huge load erupts from Vincent’s cock, landing all over his body. That inspires Tristan to shoot his own creamy wad, adding it to the mix.


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