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Troy Hardt

We find newcomer Troy Hardt relaxing on the bed as he gives a candid interview. He seems a little shy, but that’s fine – we’ll make him feel right at home! Troy likes furry, muscular guys with big dicks. Troy casually mentions that he has an 8-inch cock himself, and seems somewhat surprised to discover that we’d classify that as big. We think he’s just being modest. Troy steps off to the side of the bed and peels away his shirt. This tall drink of water (6’1″) has a furry chest and a couple tattoos. We think you otter-fans will like this guy! Troy sits back down on the bed and starts to play with his dick through his boxer briefs before pulling it out and stroking it, putting his fat, uncut cock on full-display. He pulls his boxer briefs off and gets back to work, stroking his dick with alternating hands and varying his technique before rising to his knees and continuing to stroke towards the camera. Troy spins around and showcases his furry hole for you as he continues to play with his cock. He lays back on the bed and strokes out a thick load that he shoots all over his furry stomach. Stay tuned for more from Troy!


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