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When we were getting to know Troy before filming him in his introductory solo, we asked him what sports he plays. “All of ’em!”, was his answer. Troy does indeed play all of them! When we took him to a basketball court to shoot some hoops, he was clearly very good at it; when we put him on to a baseball diamond to take some swings, he was knocking balls out of the park; when we tossed a soccer ball his way, his footwork was flawless and he was able to bounce and kick and dribble it around effortlessly. He’s a genuine athlete who excels at any sport he takes on. What Troy’s been taking on lately is bodybuilding – he works out a ton now, and it really shows with that tight and toned physique. His chest is super sexy, and compliments that handsome face and those captivating blue eyes quite well. Thankfully for all of us, Troy excels in the bedroom (or out of it – he likes doing stuff in public!) just as much as he does on the court, on the field, and in the gym. He’s got quite the sex drive, and some well-earned confidence when it comes to sex, and all of that helped lead him here to us!


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