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Truth or Dare 1 – Paul Delay & Timeo Blondel

Truth or Dare ? The famous game revisited in French Twinks style to allow boys to get to know each other, laugh and gradually discover themselves through increasingly daring questions and actions. In this first Truth or Dare scene, the unmissable Paul Delay and the magnificent Timeo Blondel lend themselves to the game. Have you ever tasted your sperm? What turns you off in bed? Put yourself in underwear ! Spank me… Suck me! Paul is going to give Timeo a good blowjob first and feast on his big cock, then it will be his turn to get his ass eaten and fingered vigorously. More and more excited, the hole already well dilated by the foreplays, Paul is going to whisper to Timeo a “Fuck me” which cannot be refused! The sex is intense, fusional and passionate. Paul will cum while being fucked, then Timeo will explode with pleasure in his turn in an abundant cumshot that will splash Paul’s open ass.


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