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Tumbling Towards Ecstasy Part 1 – Michael Boston & Reese Rideout

Gymnast Michael Boston is doing his best as he practices his routine in a sexy low-cut unitard, but his hardass coach Reese Rideout chews him out and sends Michael to the showers. That’s just a ploy for Reese to spy on Michael’s naked, perfectly muscled body under the spray and to sneak a sniff of his sweaty leotard from his locker! Michael insists to his coach that he’ll do whatever it takes to prove his dedication, and luckily Reese has something in mind as he gets out his hard cock. The guys stroke each other’s lengths before Michael deepthroats Reese, then the gymnast does a full split lying on the bench while his coach sucks his dick. Reese pounds the flexible bottom athletically till Michael cums, then paints him with his jizz.


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