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Twink Soldiers Jake Lotti, Bautista Nores & Will Nouvak Turn the Locker Room Into a Fuckfest

Privates Jake and Will are changing themselves in the locker room. The two men can’t help but peep when they see each other’s naked bodies. Soon, they strike up a random conversation. Jake is waiting for his buddy Bautista to come out, but noticing something hard on Will’s pants, he invites him to fuck. Suddenly, Bautista appears to find his friends touching each other, so he decides to join them. A nasty threesome unravels as the horny soldiers suck and fuck non-stop in the locker room. They need to blow some steam and they haven’t unloaded in quite some time, so they find comfort in each other’s cocks, turning the locker room into a secret place for a good fuckfest. They need to keep it a secret to continue to have these kinky sessions here, but it’s hard to keep quiet as they pound their fellow cadet’s holes and shower him with their creamy cum.
