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UK Slang Meets Southern Twang – Mickey Knox & Mickey Taylor

n this new Gay Porn video release from the boys of ColbyKnox, we finally got Mickey Taylor back in the saddle!!!! Mickey Taylor is a smooth talking tattoo sporting sex machine all the way from the UK, flown all the way across the pond to lay down some of that famous dick on Mickey Knox!!! We thought it would be fun to dive into not only Mickey Taylor’s sexy accent but also Mickey Knox’s as well, and some of the slang and difference in terminology that accompanies them both. After having some fun learning about some cultural differences in speech, Mickey Knox goes right to town sucking on Mickey T’s big inked dick. Followed by Mickey Knox mounting the sexy imports face as he sits on the couch and really thrusting his meat deep down his throat. Neither of these two sexy boys wanted to spend to much time on the foreplay, so they move into some of that smoking hot raw fucking pretty damn quick. With Mickey Knox saddling up and mounting Mickeys Taylor’s cock as he sits there and enjoys the feeling of his large uncut cock slipping deep into his co-stars asshole. You can really see and feel the comfort these two have for each other, not to mention lust as you watch Mickey Knox jump and buck on top of Mickey Taylor’s cock. Of course it all winds up with Mickey Knox on his knees presenting his plump booty for Mickey Taylor to enjoy, and enjoy he does. Planting one foot near his co-stars face to generously open it all up for us, the viewers. It all finishes up with Mickey Taylor blasting one of his massive trademark loads all over Mickey Knox’s cute smiling face!!


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