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Unboxing MEN: Holiday Special – Joey Mills, Adam Awbride & Kyle Fletcher

The tree is decorated, the gifts are wrapped, and Kyle Fletcher, Adam Awbride, and Joey Mills are… bored out of their minds! As the three guys rot on the couch, they suddenly hear a noise from the roof, and then a strange shirtless man pops out of the fireplace! It’s Santa’s Gay Son (Reese Rideout), and he took the sleigh out for a joyride to bring these sluts some very special Christmas cheer. Kyle and Adam sit on his lap to receive their gifts: MEN Fluffer Premium Penis Pumps for each of them, and a Tugger Scrotum Stretcher for Kyle too! SGS heard Joey is a slutty bottom, so for him it’s the MEN Tight Rope Large Weighted Anal Beads and Loaded Hybrid Cum Lubricant. The guys quickly unbox the gifts and unwrap each other, stretching Joey’s hole with the beads and getting their dicks extra hard with the Fluffers for the best holiday threesome ever!


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