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Uncut Exam Room – Hans Berlin & Angel Ventura

When Angel Ventura finds out his co-worker Hans is newly single, he hints at maybe the two of them hooking up, but Hans Berlin is already one step ahead of him, as Angel soon finds out. Reaching into his pants, he finds Hans is already rock hard and ready, so clearly the thought was already on his mind. Lucky for him, Angel is the kind of co-worker who is down to fool around on the job, and he starts jerking Hans’ dick before falling to his knees to taste it. Angel’s been fantasizing about Hans since he started at this hospital, and now that he’s got him alone in one of the unused patient rooms, he intends to conduct of thorough examination of Hans’ deepest orifices, as he plunges his dick deep inside his hole and fucks the cum out of Hans, before spitting his own load all over Hans. Sweating and covered in cum, Hans asks Angel when his next break is due…


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