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Vincent O’Reilly, Grant Ducati, Kane Fox & Sean Xavier – Trade Show

Assistant Kane Fox will do anything to make sure CEO Sean Xavier is satisfied, and that’s why, for this year’s Boss Appreciation Day, he’s enlisting the help of twunky project coordinators Vincent O’Reilly and Grant Ducati to help drain Sean’s nine inches. Getting right down to business, the men immediately begin exchanging blowjobs with Kane then becoming the first bottom of the afternoon as he opens his hole for some bareback cock. As Grant drills him, Sean gets a turn topping Vincent before taking charge of the foursome by rearranging his employees to maximize his personal pleasure. All four versatile men constantly swap positions with each getting fucked and filled by some hot co-worker cock. Truly feeling the appreciation from his subordinates, Sean then takes center-stage of the foursome to be pounded, ridden and covered in cum.


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