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Wank Party #118 Part 2

Wank Party #118 stars Mojzis Kral, Simon Paldow, Ivan Zrzek and Karel Konrad. In this first part we see Mojzis and Ivan as the surreptitiously enter the flat and peep through the doors as Simon is fucking Karel’s sexy ass. Karel takes teh dick deep in his ass as the guys watch. Then they go into the room to join in the fun. Ivan and Karel kiss each other as Simon helps to strip Mojzis and then goes down on his big cock. As he starts to suck on that cock Karel drops to his knees to suck Ivan too. Mojzis as suck a big, fat, cock and Simon enjoys licking, wanking and sucking on it. Mojzis pulls Simon’s head onto his big cick as Karel continues to suck Ivan. Ivan’s dick is rock hard as Karel keeps working on it. Simon’s mouth is filled and stretched as he takesn Mojzis engorged cock, cupping and rubbing his balls at the same time. Then partners are switched so that Karel takes a turn on Mojzis dick and Simon sucks Ivan. Karel licks on Mojzis balls too as he continues to work on that big cock. Simon’s head bobs on Ivan’s cock and he manages to deep throat it too. Mojzis sits and leans back as Karel keeps sucking hard. Simon and Ivan change places so that Ivan can suck too. He takes Simon’s throbbing cock in his mouth and sucks hard. Then he licks on the balls as well. Karel slaps Mojzis’ massive tool against his face and sucks on the huge head. Ivan’s tongue laps all around Simon’s cock and then he sucks it some more. Karel sucks Mojzis’ balls into his mouth and then deep throats the cock as his head is pushed down onto it. As Ivan keeps working on Simon’s cock Mojzis stands again and pulls Karel’s head onto his dick. Ivan and Simon join Karel and they all take turns on Mojzis beautiful cock. The three hot mouths keep working on that dick and lapping at the big balls.


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