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What My Boy Wants – Eli Belloso & Melo Prince

What do you do when you are horny for your stepdad and hear the water running in the shower? Well, I walked to the door and peeked in. My mind started to race as the water slid down his body. I was in my fantasy world when my stepdad, Eli, caught me. I jumped on the bed and tried to hide, but he came in and asked if I wanted his cock. It was so hard. How could I say no? I wanted it, but before I could speak, Eli pulled me down to his cock by my shirt. His meat in my mouth was all I ever wanted, but something told me my stepdad had bigger plans, and I’m glad he did. Eli took my clothes off and sucked the blood into my cock as he gave me my first blowjob. Now my ass wanted to feel him inside me. He ate my peach and then took his time getting inside my tight hole. Soon it was his toy, and I was going along for the ride of my life.


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