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While Your Dad’s Out – Trevor Laster & Carter Woods

Trevor’s known Carter Woods for a few years now. Carter is a little bit older than Trevor and works with his dad, so it’s not uncommon for him to be over. But with no one else at home, Carter tells Trevor Laster that he knows his secret, and that one of the things he misses most about his college days was getting to play around with the other guys. All the blood rushes to Trevor’s cock and his pants tighten as Carter makes his way closer and leads him to the bedroom. Trevor has fantasized about a few of his dad’s co-workers, but Carter has been his ultimate fantasy since Day 1, and now he finds himself having his way with him, watching as Carter sucks him off and then mounts him. Trevor watches Carter grind on his cock with his sexy grown man ass, and Trevor soon finds out that Carter can take a dick much better than Trevor’s college age boys. He pounds Carter’s hole all over the bed, fucking him with all the vim and vigor that his youth provides, as Carter takes every thrust willingly before cumming all over himself as Trevor pulls out and absolutely drenches him with his load. If Carter was thirsty when he came over he’s certainly all wet now!


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