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Work Hard(er) – David Cork & Lukas Daken

In his MENatPLAY debut, Spanish muscular stud David Cork is the boss of the mafia organization that controls several bars and clubs around the city. While playing pool in one of his bars, Lukas Daken arrives; late and with bad news. Lukas explains that the clubs under his responsibility are not doing well, hence the shortage of payment. David is not pleased and reminds Lukas that Franky Fox knows how to deal with situations like these (watch ‘Mafiosi’). Lukas seems fearful, apologizes and reminds him that he is new in the organization and asks for help. David grabs Lukas and tells him to relax; he will explain everything about the business. He tells Lukas that in order to be successful he will have to work harder! Lukas seems confused, but David takes his hand and puts it on his crotch. David will show Lukas how he will have to work harder in order to remain part of the team.


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