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Work Loads – Ricky Ridges & Quin Quire

Overhearing Ricky Ridges talking on the phone, it becomes clear to Quin Quire that his boss is in need of a little relief on the job site. Ricky’s blue balls are making it impossible to focus on his duties, but luckily Quin aims to please his superiors and has no problem going the extra mile to complete the task. This is all music to Ricky’s ears, but Quin backs up his sweet talk with even sweeter action, immediately setting to work on Rickey’s hard on, sucking him off at Rickey’s desk. Ricky’s hard on grows two sizes as Quin’s magic mouth goes to work, but Ricky’s urges are going to need a little more to be satisfied, so he bends Quin over his desk and plunges his raw cock deep into his employee’s sweet hole. Quin takes the dick like a veteran, letting his boss fuck him every way he desires. Ricky appreciates Quin’s flexibility and versatility, and as he fucks him in every corner of the office, he realizes that Quin is more than qualified for whatever position Ricky envisions. When he finally loses his nut, Quin is sweaty and smiling, glad to have eased Ricky’s concerns. Looks like there’s a cumming promotion for one good little worker!


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